Token - Klínovec - Krušné Hory
Issuer Czech Republic
Type Souvenir medallions
Picture of lookout tower on Klínovec.
Lettering: Klínovec Krušné hory 1244 m n.m.
Crest of Karlovy Vary region.
Lettering: Karlovarský kraj 2008
Technical Details
Obverse Lettering
Klínovec Krušné hory 1244 m n.m.
Reverse Lettering
Karlovarský kraj 2008
Klinovec is a flat, remarkable peak from a distance of 3.5 kilometers southeast of Boží Dar. It is the highest peak of the Ore Mountains and the entire Krušné Mountains system at all. The average annual peak temperature is 2.7 ° C, with an average annual rainfall of around 1 050 mm. The snow cover lasts approximately 140 days with maximums in March (average 1 m, sometimes over 2.5 m). With good visibility, first-class lookout point with views to Ještěd or Šumava. The first lookout tower stood here in 1817, today's octagonal stone comes from 1884 and measures 24 meters. Unfortunately, it is in poor condition and is closed. The main dominant of Klínovec, however, is a 80 meter high telecommunication tower. Almost to the top is the chairlift and several ski lifts. Around the summit are maintained winter ski tracks, in summer cycling trails.